Samhällsvård och välfärdsresurser: En studie av skolgång, fritid och kamratrelationer bland unga i familjehem och institutioner
Hélène Lagerlöf
Marie Sallnäs, professor. Bo Vinnerljung, professor
Gunvor Andersson, professor emerita
SU – Stockholms universitet
Samhällsvård och välfärdsresurser: En studie av skolgång, fritid och kamratrelationer bland unga i familjehem och institutioner
Out of home care and welfare-resources: A study of schooling, leisure and peer relations among youth in residential care and foster care
Institutionen för socialt arbete – Socialhögskolan
Out of home care and welfare-resources: A study of schooling, leisure and peer relations among youth in residential care and foster care
The dissertation analyses access to welfare resources within the areas of schooling, leisure and peer relations for youth in out of home care. The study was conducted in three counties in mid Sweden and is a replication of the recurrent Swedish surveys of living condition of children in general populations. By using the same design, children aged 13–18 (n=272) in foster care and residential care were approached. Throughout the analysis results are compared with conditions for peers living at home, based on data from the 2004/2005 survey on living conditions for children (Child-ULF). Furthermore the results are linked to the young people’s experience of psychosomatic complaints and emotional wellbeing and discussed within the theoretical framework of childhood sociology. Questions regarding society’s ability to convey resources to youth while in care as well as young persons’ potential to exercise determination while in care are also discussed. The study shows that youth in care in general have access to fewer resources than those in general populations in the studied areas. For youth in residential care the differences compared to peers living at home are substantial, while conditions for youth in foster care are more alike those of young people in general. Youth in residential care have fewer school related resources and fewer contacts with friends than peers living at home. Youth in foster and residential care are more subjected to bullying than the general population.
The overall conclusions are that society, in the form of foster parents and residential staff fails in certain areas to convey resources to youth in care. The young people’s lack of resources poses limitations to their potential to exercise self-determination while in care. The study points out areas where targeted efforts might be needed to improve the living conditions for youth in out of home care and perhaps broaden their potential to exercise self-determination while in care as well as after.
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