Theory and validity evidence for a large-scale test for selection to higher education
Kvinnliga provdeltagare gynnas på ordförståelse-uppgifterna, medan manliga deltagare istället gynnas på uppgifterna i engelsk läsförståelse. Det är ett av resultaten i Jonathan Wedmans avhandling om högskoleprovets validitet.
Jonathan Wedman
Professor Marie Wiberg, Umeå universitet Doktor Per-Eik Lyrén, Umeå universitet
Professor Jo-Anne Baird, Oxford University
Umeå universitet
Teori och Validitetsbevis för ett Storskaligt Prov för Urval till Högre Studier
Theory and validity evidence for a large-scale test for selection to higher education
Institutionen för tillämpad utbildningsvetenskap
Theory and validity evidence for a large-scale test for selection to higher education
Validity is a crucial part of all forms of measurement, and especially in instruments that are high-stakes to the test takers. The aim of this thesis was to examine theory and validity evidence for a recently revised large-scale instrument used for selection to higher education in Sweden, the Swedish Scholastic Assessment Test (SweSAT), as well as identify threats to its validity. Previous versions of the SweSAT have been intensely studied but when it was revised in 2011, further research was needed to strengthen the validity arguments for the test. The validity approach suggested in the most recent version of the Standards for education and psychological testing, in which the theoretical basis and five sources of validity evidence are the key aspects of validity, was adopted in this thesis.
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