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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Elevhälsa"

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Participation in and outside school: Self-ratings by Swedish adolescents with and without impairments and long-term health conditions

Frida Lygnegårds forskning visar att vardagsfungerande för unga med utvecklingsrelaterade funktionsnedsättningar påverkas av samma faktorer som andra ungdomar men att effekten av funktionsnedsättningen blir mer framträdande i skolan.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Teens are protesting in-class presentations

Some students are calling for an end to in-class presentations saying they are too stressful for students, especially those with anxiety. Some educators say they see value in forcing students to make presentations to prepare them for future careers, but others, such as Colorado high-school history teacher Travis Grandt, say there are many alternative ways…