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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Gymnasieskola"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Hvordan hjælper vi elever bedre igennem udskolingen, så de ikke føler sig udskilt og stigmatiseret?

2 maj
Det store fokus på test, prøver, karakterer og uddannelsesparathed i udskolingen risikerer at øge uligheden blandt eleverne, selv om intentionen er det stik modsatte. Sådan lyder en af de vigtigste konklusioner i en ph.d.-afhandling af Gry Tybjerg, forsker ved Center for Anvendt Velfærdsforskning på UCL.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

På väg mot kollektivt lärande – inom ramen församverkan mellan skola och universitet

30 april
Artikeln, författad av forskare, förstelärare och skolledande personal, bygger på ett samverkansprojekt med målet att utveckla en gymnasieskolas kollektiva lärande. Artikeln syftar till att bidra till förståelse av vad ett sådant utvecklingsarbete kan innebära. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

A place for Basil Bernstein in the field: How applicable is Basil Bernstein’s theory of codes and social groups as a way of understanding educational inequity in upper secondary education in Iceland during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic?

24 april
In this article, key aspects of Basil Bernstein’s theory of elaborating and restricted codes are analysed within the Icelandic context to determine whether it can be employed when researching socio-economic inequities in upper-secondary education in Iceland during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Aiming high: Learning investments in German upper secondary education. Differences between immigrant and non-immigrant youth

24 april
This article addresses important aspects of the largely unexplored interplay between high educational aspirations and low academic achievement in migratory contexts. Using data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), I examine the determinants of learning investments of students who changed from vocational to academic tracking at the transition to upper secondary education.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

School staff's views on causes of early school leaving in regular secondary and adult education: Identifying the role of individual, job-related and school climate characteristics

24 april
Understanding early school leaving (ESL) remains a key issue on political and academic agendas. Most research focuses on the experiences of young people who intend to leave or have left school early without a qualification from secondary education. In addition, most studies focus on regular secondary schools. We aim to add to this literature by…