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Forskning och utveckling inom kategori "Integration"

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Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Flytt av elever ingen tydlig framgång för skolresultat och integration

Forskare vid Örebro universitet är nu klara med sin rapport om hur det gått för högstadieelever från stadsdelen Vivalla i Örebro som flyttats till andra skolor i kommunen. "Flytt av elever från en skola till en annan inte per automatik leder till vare sig ökad måluppfyllelse eller integration. I stället beror resultatet på de processer…

Is it time to stop segregating kids by ability in middle school math?

A New York school district is restricting tracking in middle-school math, instead enrolling students of all abilities in the same courses and, at times, having students work in pairs or small groups. The change, adopted about two years ago, was meant to close the racial divide and improve performance among students in higher-level math courses…

Do parents really want school integration?

Do parents really want school integration? The short answer is yes. Our research suggests that the vast majority of parents across political affiliation, race, class, and geographic region strongly favor schools that are racially and economically integrated. But unfortunately, this doesn’t translate into action. In districts where parents actually have a choice, schools tend to…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Do parents really want school integration?

According to new research published today, a large majority of parents across race, class, geographic region, and political affiliation favor substantially racially and economically integrated schools, and that support appears to have increased since President Trump was elected. But research also indicates that when parents have more control over where to send their children to…

Den flerspråkiga matematikklassen – en möjlig integrationsarena

Allt fler elever talar flera språk och har inte ett specifikt modersmål. Vad händer i ett matematikklassrum när svenska, tvåspråkiga och flerspråkiga elever ska förhålla sig till varandra och lära sig matte? Hur uppstår spänningar, hjälpsamhet och konkurrensförhållanden när eleverna möts i skolmatematiken? Det tas upp i en färsk avhandling som också utvecklar nya teoretiska/filosofiska…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

How school leaders can promote district diversity, integration

Four strategies can help school leaders promote diversity and integration in their districts, write Patrick Finley and Damon McCord, co-principals of the Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School in Queens, N.Y. In this commentary, they outline the tactics, including reaching out to stakeholders and building a school around the whole child.