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Aspects of teachers’ language and communication support in Swedish preschools after a second phase of implementation

Susanne Sawander
Skribent:Susanne Sawander

The aim was to investigate the staff’s language support towards children in Swedish preschools after eight weeks of structured language support. This study took place after an initial study of six weeks’ language support. To identify support of Language Learning Environment, Opportunities and Interactions an observation-tool was used. Structured collegial discussions took place about language support strategies. The staff often engaged the children in structured conversations with adults and peers but seldom facilitated interactive book reading. The interactions were now more focused on general learner needs than on advanced language learning such as introducing new complex syntactic and semantic constructions. The staff’s reflections showed that the discussions about the Language Environment items were intertwined with ideas about how to use these items to increase language opportunities and interactions. Accordingly, the staff’s work with language support towards the children had further developed after two phases of professional language support.

Författare: Ann Nordberg

Aspects of teachers’ language and communication support in Swedish preschools after a second phase of implementation

Early Child Development and Care


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