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Cross-professional collaboration to improve inclusive education

Susanne Sawander
Skribent:Susanne Sawander

The Norwegian Educational Psychological Service (EPS) is a significant partner to guide and support the development of fruitful learning environments and inclusive education (IE) in kindergartens and schools. To do so, collaboration with principals and classroom teachers is crucial. The question addressed in this article is which properties of inclusive education are emphasized in collaborative projects aiming to improve the quality of education for pupils at risk and with special educational needs. Sixty-five EPS advisors’ reports from an in-service program are used to identify to what extent and how a set of signature characteristics of IE were called attention to. The analysis shows that the reports mainly focus on placement, while qualities such as involvement and outcome are given less attention. The study accentuates the need for a thorough understanding of the ideals of IE to improve the quality of education for children at risk and children with special educational needs.

Författare: Rolf B. Fasting och Nils Breilid

Cross-professional collaboration to improve inclusive education

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