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Food Literacy: Matens betydelse för hälsa som undervisningsinnehåll

Susanne Sawander
Skribent:Susanne Sawander

The aim of the present article is to analyse and discuss how teachers speak about goals and content of food literacy in teaching about food and health in Home Economics (HE). More specific, what different constructions of food literacy can be identified in teachers’ talk about the drive and content of teaching food and health? Six focus group discussions were held in four different cities with a total of 27 HE teachers. Different visions of scientific literacy are used as a framework to analyse and discuss food literacy in education. Three different categories were identified, including different visions regarding students’ opportunities to develop awareness of how food influences health. Food literacy in HE includes disciplinary learning of specific knowledge and skills. Teaching HE is a multidisciplinary task, in which a number of disciplines are involved. The article examines what each vision refers to and what overarching purpose is expected to motivate a student to learn and to develop in a specific direction. Each vision therefore provides altered constructions of educational orientation in terms of meaning-making.

Författare: Emma Oljans

Food Literacy: Matens betydelse för hälsa som undervisningsinnehåll

Utbildning och lärande Vol 16, nr 2

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