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Technology use as a sleep-onset aid: are adolescents using apps to distract themselves from negative thoughts?

John Miller
Skribent:John Miller

The aim of this study was to; (1) explore whether adolescents use technology as distraction from negative thoughts before sleep, (2) assess whether adolescents who perceive having a sleep problem use technology as distraction more compared to adolescents without sleep complaints, and (3) collect qualitative information about which devices and apps adolescents use as a distraction.

Författare: Alexandra Daniels, Meg Pillion, Benita Rullo, Jessica Mikulcic, Hannah Whittall, Kate Bartel, Michal Kahn, Michael Gradisar, Serena V Bauducco

Technology use as a sleep-onset aid: are adolescents using apps to distract themselves from negative thoughts?

Oxford Academics Volume 4, Issue 1 2023

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Välkommen till Skolportens fortbildning för dig som undervisar i biologi eller naturkunskap på högstadiet och gymnasiet! Programmet ger både biologididaktik och ämnesfördjupning, bland annat inom källkritik, AI och genteknik. Föreläsare är till exempel Emma Frans, Sebastian Kirppu och Eva Bida.
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