The majority of state school teachers are refusing to advise their brightest pupils to apply to Oxbridge because they believe Britain's top universities are too elitist, according to research.
Children are growing up lacking a proper understanding of the past, because key swathes of British and European history have been dropped by schools, academics warned today.
Getty Chocolate-covered broccoli. That’s what designers of educational games call digital products that drape dull academic instruction in the appealing disguise of a game – instead of placing the fun of discovery and mastery at the heart of the game.
A new study highlights the challenge facing professors and librarians. Most students shop around for digital texts and videos beyond the boundaries of what professors assign them in class.
Nærings- og handelsminister Trond Giske (Ap) relanserer den gamle Arbeiderparti-saken om innføring av heldagsskole. Det er på tide å bruke mer penger på skole, mener han.
The Green Ribbon Schools are educating a new generation of students who know firsthand why taking steps like increasing air quality standards is so critical.
I 2009 inngikk Kunnskapsdepartementet (KD) og KS en intensjonsavtale om at alle nye lærere og førskolelærere skulle få veiledning det første året i arbeidslivet. Nå har KS og KD gjennomført en kartlegging av hvordan tilbudet er bygget ut så langt.