Vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Artiklar från vetenskapliga tidskrifter.
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Distansundervisning i grundskolan och barnets bästa
This article investigates the legal regulation of distance education as a supportive measure in primary schools.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Att balansera motstridiga ideal
Balancing between conflicting ideals. A study on ethical leadership, gender equality and diversity work in an upper secondary school. The aim of this article is to explore what characterizes principals’ ethical leadership in relation to gender- and diversity work at an upper secondary school distinguished by its elite program profile
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Etiska och moraliska perspektiv på kontextuella särskildheter i rektorers arbete och ledarskap i strukturellt missgynnade områden
Drawing attention to elementary schools in structurally disadvantaged areas, this study focuses ethical and moral perspectives on principals’ work and leadership in relation to contextual particularities
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Rektorers arbete med demokrati
This paper examines principals’ work with democracy in schools, the challenges they face when carrying out such work and what role they themselves consider playing in the democratic work.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Skolchef i komvux – mellan politik och rektor i styrkedjan
Swedish education policy often emphasises that the superintendent, in the form of the representative for the municipality authority, must take more responsibility for the quality of education.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Assessing Students’ Multimodal Texts in the Subject of English: Synthesising Peers’ and Teachers’ Recognition of Semiotic Work
As a contribution to an increasing call for alignment of curricular activities and assessment, this article explores an approach to assessment of upper secondary students’ production of multimodal persuasive texts in the subject of English as an additional language (EAL).
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Math task experiences and motivation to learn more: How prior knowledge and interest interact with Task-Interest & Task-Difficulty perceptions and feed a desire to reengage
How do task experiences support proximal and longer-term desires to reengage? Central to this question is the interplay between perceptions of task difficulty and the situational interest. This interplay is increasingly researched but not yet well understood.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Educating for living diversity: ‘Migrant’ identities, belonging and community-centred pedagogies for social justice
This paper addresses the continued conundrums of racial and religious diversity in education.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Facilitators and barriers to policy implementation: A mixed-method study on the plurilingual policy in Luxembourg
This study examines implementation factors of a pioneering plurilingual policy designed to foster language development in early childhood education and care in Luxembourg.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Justification regimes and crisis practices: International educational collaboration amidst pandemic and war
This research investigates how international educational collaboration (IEC) as a social activity adapts to global crises: COVID-19 and the Russian’s invasion in Ukraine. We focus on Finnish higher education institutions (HEIs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that actively provide IEC activities, such as student exchange, education export and educational capacity building abroad.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Navigating open-source platforms in schools: an inquiry into changing teacher professionality
The platformization of education is incrementally redefining the roles of teachers in schools by (re-)structuring professional practices. While most research has focused on how this occurs in the context of proprietary platforms, this article investigates how professionality is configured through open-source platforms, offering increased possibilities for platform customizability.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Time matters: a critical multimodal study of an English learning app for children in China
Time and its management, as evident in the scheduling, sequencing and structuring of activities, is important in early childhood education (ECE). While ECE apps have been changing teaching and learning practices for over a decade, research has yet to examine how they represent and manage time. To address this gap, we analysed the representation and…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Are newly qualified preschool teachers ready for today’s mandate? Principals’ views in Sweden
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the discussion concerning adaptations and improvements of preschool teacher education.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
‘Help!? My students created an evil AI’: on the irony of speculative methods and design fiction
This article contributes to moving forward current discourses about speculative methods by explaining how they can become critical in practice. It explores how the collaborative construction of speculative technological solutions (in this case relating to AI in education) can reveal an implicit acceptance of restricting imaginaries.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier
Classroom social networks, students’ peer-related social experiences and sense of belonging: The specific case of students with SEN
One main argument for inclusion refers to the social benefits that students with SEN might have from being in contact with typically developing classmates. Students’ sense of belonging to the classroom is also a relevant dimension of inclusion, given its importance for positive emotional and social development and academic motivation.
Forskningsbevakningen presenteras i samarbete med forskningsinstitutet Ifous.
Skolportens magasin
Skolporten är ett populärvetenskapligt forskningsmagasin med fokus på förskola och skola.
Skolportens magasin
Läs merDigitala kurser
Läs merFrämja närvaro i förskolan
NY KURS HOS SKOLPORTEN! Den här kursen med kursledare Malin Gren Landell handlar om hur förskolor systematiskt kan arbeta för att främja barns närvaro, vilket gynnar alla barns utveckling och lika möjligheter. Flexibel start, kursintyg ingår och tillgång till kursen i sex månader. Pris 749 kr ex. moms!
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