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Vetenskapliga tidskrifter

Vetenskapliga tidskrifter

Artiklar från vetenskapliga tidskrifter.

Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Barnehageovertakelse – en svært realistisk praksis

Igår 18:51
Barnehagelærerutdanningen er en profesjonsutdanning der det legges stor vekt på praksis. Denne skal bidra til kontinuitet og progresjon i studiet, og til å skape sammenheng mellom teoretisk og praktisk kompetanse. Likevel mener nyutdannede barnehagelærere at gapet mellom utdanningen og barnehagehverdagen er stort. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

The wonder(s) of Barbie: Entanglements of racism, body shame and doll play in a Norwegian primary school

Igår 18:39
This study draws on a one-year ethnographic study in a first-grade primary school in a major city in Norway. Through a collective researching-body-assemblage, we explore what happens when new Barbie dolls with greater variety in body shapes and skin colour are introduced as an inclusionary effort by the municipality. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Børns dobbeltkodede deltagelsesmuligheder

Igår 18:31
Formålet med denne artikel er at undersøge, hvordan voksnes rammesætning, indretning af rum og materialevalg påvirker børns muligheder for demokratisk deltagelse. Det empiriske materiale udspringer af et forskningsprojekt, hvor daginstitutionspædagoger, børnekulturformidlere og undervisere på pædagoguddannelsen sammen har undersøgt børns deltagelse i tre forskellige børnekulturelle miljøer. (pdf)
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Timeline-thinking practice for interdisciplinary child studies research: The case of school sex education

Igår 17:49
This article presents how a timeline can be used to improve the quality of qualitative and interdisciplinary child studies research with a focus on documents and archives. A particular case, Swedish school sex education from the 1880s until 2022, is used to present and describe the advantages of applying what we refer to as timeline-thinking…

A Three-Phase Professional Development Approach to Improving Robotics Pedagogical Knowledge and Computational Thinking Attitude of Early Childhood Teachers

4 mars
To empower early childhood teachers in the digital society, this study introduced 17 early childhood teachers to robot programming and computational thinking through the ‘CT4ECE’ professional development program, which includes three phases: Learn, Practice, and Reflect & Improve.

Does playing a digital teaching simulation game foster novice student teachers’ perception and use of theoretical knowledge?

4 mars
Despite theoretical knowledge being an important source for well-founded teaching decisions, student teachers often struggle to put this knowledge into practice. One way to close this theory-practice gap could be digital teaching simulation games that enable theory-use in authentic critical teaching situation.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Preparing preservice teachers to teach with digital technologies: An update of effective SQD-strategies

4 mars
This systematic review responds to the critical need to equip preservice teachers with the competencies to use technologies within an increasingly digital educational landscape. Given the fact that new ways to learn digitally are constantly emerging, new strategies are needed to support future teachers’ digital practices in a different context.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Gamification Bolsters Self-Regulated Learning, Learning Performance and Reduces Strategy Decline in Flipped Classrooms: A Longitudinal Quasi-Experiment

27 februari
Flipped classrooms, which foster active learning, are becoming more prevalent in higher education. Yet, many students struggle with self-regulated learning (SRL) skills and prefer traditional learning methods. The use of SRL relies on both students’ motivation and skills but it is unclear how these skills evolve over time since many previous studies often overlook the…
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Understanding novice school leaders’ turnover intentions: the role of leadership dynamics

26 februari
This study investigated how leader characteristics, interpersonal dynamics, and situational context may predict turnover intentions among novice principals and assistant principals. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative survey was administered to 1,945 novice school leaders in Sweden. (pdf)

A Meta-Analysis of the Correlation Between Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Academic Performance in Online and Blended Learning Environments

25 februari
The present meta-analysis examines the association between different self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies and academic performance in online and blended learning environments. A database search identified a total of 42 studies from 37 articles from 2011 to 2022, containing 115 effect sizes from 11,014 participants in K-12 and higher education.
Forskning och utveckling kategorier

Task-value motivational prompts in a descriptive dashboard can increase anxiety among anxious learners

24 februari
This article describes an experimental study that investigated the influence of motivational prompts (task-value scaffolding) in a descriptive learning analytics dashboard on learners’ motivation, statistics anxiety, and learning performance in an authentic semester-long online statistics course.

Forskningsbevakningen presenteras i samarbete med forskningsinstitutet Ifous.

Skolportens magasin

Skolporten är ett populärvetenskapligt forskningsmagasin med fokus på förskola och skola.

Skolportens magasin

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I den här kursen med kursledare Malin Gren Landell handlar om hur förskolor systematiskt kan arbeta för att främja barns närvaro, vilket gynnar alla barns utveckling och lika möjligheter. Flexibel start, kursintyg ingår och tillgång till kursen i 6 månader. Pris 749 kr ex. moms. Vi erbjuder rabatter för grupper. Är ni en grupp som vill delta? Kontakta oss för specialerbjudande!

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