This research investigates how international educational collaboration (IEC) as a social activity adapts to global crises: COVID-19 and the Russian’s invasion in Ukraine. We focus on Finnish higher education institutions (HEIs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that actively provide IEC activities, such as student exchange, education export and educational capacity building abroad.
With reference to Austria, the study aims to gain insights into parents’ self-reported perspectives on their implementation of behaviours to support emergent literacy skills and their justifications for their support or non-support during COVID-19-induced lockdowns through nine semi-structured interviews.
In this article, key aspects of Basil Bernstein’s theory of elaborating and restricted codes are analysed within the Icelandic context to determine whether it can be employed when researching socio-economic inequities in upper-secondary education in Iceland during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Økte nivåer av angst og depresjonssymptomer under pandemien kan ha blitt påvirket av restriktive tiltak, som nedstengning av skoler, mindre sosial kontakt og generell usikkerhet om hvordan pandemien ville påvirke barn og unge med psykiske vansker.
Förekomsten av övervikt och fetma i gruppen 3- och 4-åringar i Sverige har minskat efter pandemin. Uppgången under pandemin ser därmed ut att ha varit tillfällig. Det visar en studie vid Göteborgs universitet och Uppsala universitet.
This paper reports on a study that sought to explore mainstream and special teachers’ inclusive practices during the Covid-19 pandemic and discusses issues that are relevant in the post-Covid-19 period.
Given the disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has engendered in people's professional lives, the importance and contribution of certain workforces has been under particular scrutiny. In England, the teaching profession has been under particularly close public scrutiny, with concerns that teachers’ perceived social appreciation may have decreased throughout the pandemic.
The global pandemic, COVID-19 shattered everyday life as we know it and disrupted education globally. In this study, we explore an initiated digital transformation accelerated by the pandemic from school leaders’ perspectives in the context of Swedish high schools.